Well, I’m a couple of hours into March and my great experiment is underway. So begins my month long journey without processed sugar or flour to eat. So far I’m doing pretty good, but it’s only been an hour. Tomorrow, (or is it later today?), I’ll be enjoying some eggs and turkey kielbasa for breakfast, a nice salad for lunch, and then a dinner of Brauts, veggies, and sweet potatoes. Sprinkle in an apple here and there, and I have my strategy for the first day. I’m sure future days will be very similar though.
People have asked me why I would want to do this and I’m not sure I have an exact answer. Yes, I’ve watched some shows and read some books on our culture’s dependency on sugar, which made me want to see how much impact it has on my life. Maybe I want to do something like this while it’s on my terms and not when I have a health professional telling me it’s unavoidable. In the end, I think it’s just another challenge to see how much I can endure and then how I can use this challenge to encourage my creative side.
This is why I plan to record my thoughts as each day passes, so you can be part of my journey. Support me or sneer at my attempt, it’s your choice. I’m just happy you’re reading along.
People have asked me why I would want to do this and I’m not sure I have an exact answer. Yes, I’ve watched some shows and read some books on our culture’s dependency on sugar, which made me want to see how much impact it has on my life. Maybe I want to do something like this while it’s on my terms and not when I have a health professional telling me it’s unavoidable. In the end, I think it’s just another challenge to see how much I can endure and then how I can use this challenge to encourage my creative side.
This is why I plan to record my thoughts as each day passes, so you can be part of my journey. Support me or sneer at my attempt, it’s your choice. I’m just happy you’re reading along.