My mother asked me today what my plans were after this month was over and I didn’t have an exact answer for her. I can honestly say that I’m not sure where my mind will be at on April 1st, so I’ll have to wait a little longer to figure that out. After thirteen days of going without sugar, flour, and caffeine, it feels like a fog has been lifted from my brain and I realize that there is a life without those things. Now, I think we all know that our society is built on a foundation of sugar, so it would be nearly impossible to say I want to continue this indefinitely, but the benefits of the experiment are compounding each day.
The biggest challenge to overcome will truly be that of convenience. It’s simply just easier to grab something to go or out on the road that contains all the things I’ve given up. Like I’ve said previously, I have worked hard to plan things out and isolate myself from the sugary world of temptation. I am already thinking about April 1st, 2nd, and 3rd when I’ll be at a convention here in town and away from my refrigerator for a prolonged period of time. If I want to continue this effort, I know some additional planning will have to be involved.
It’s funny because when I started the month, all I could think about was how I would go out for a nice deep dish pizza once the experiment ended. As the days passed, I realized that this “reward” mentality is part of the trap I was caught in over the years. Now I’m not so sure I need a food based reward for finishing an objective, reaching a holiday, or having a birthday. As Stephanie and I talk about Easter and the activities surrounding it, I feel a mental clarity that I never had before. Does the holiday have to be tied to candy like it has been in the years past? Does our youngest need to attend a “candy hunt” where they don’t even use the plastic eggs anymore, and just throw fun sized candy bars around a park and let the kids go crazy? Yes, he’ll still attend, but I can now see how silly it all is. I’ve started seeing how many holidays have been hijacked by the candy companies.
No, I haven’t had some magical transformation into a sugar and holiday hating guy who is punishing his children because of how society acts. I’m still myself, but without the stranglehold of sugar on my senses. It’s helped me ask the questions, even though I may never get to the answers. To some degree, I feel like Homer Simpson in the episode where they remove a crayon lodged in his brain that kept him stupid all these years. He suddenly becomes smarter about things and more aware of the world around him, only to decide it was easier just to be oblivious to the world so he puts the crayon back in. My fear is that I too will quickly go back to the sugary braincloud in April, losing everything I have gained. Either way, I’ll be taking you along with me, so stay tuned.
What I ate today
- Eggs and Kielbasa for breakfast.
- Dinner leftovers from the other night for lunch. That was the chicken, carrots, mushroom mixture over Keenwa. (I think I burned out on salads temporarily, so I’m finding other options.)
- Our dinner consisted of chicken breasts stuffed with a mixture of cheese, bacon, and cream cheese. Likely there was something else in there too, I’m not positive, but it tasted really good. Had it with mixed vegetables on the side.
- After dinner we went to our friends house to enjoy the Walking Dead and Stephanie made a new treat for us. I don’t have the exact recipe, but will plan to post it soon. Basically she blended up cauliflower and added some bacon to make tater tots. They were cooked in the oven and then recooked to be extra crispy. She whipped up some fry sauce to go with it, which consisted of some ketchup, mayo, and a hint of barbeque sauce. The whole package was delicious and I had around 4 tots. Our friends made baked potatoes with cheese and bacon, so I had to have one of those also. (It wasn’t super huge.)