Cody lives in Indianapolis with his wife and their three dogs. An obsessive hobbyist, their home is crowded with his projects that never seem to get finished. Most days Cody finds himself contemplating the inevitable downfall of modern society, half hoping Cthulhu will gobble us all up instead. He's a cheery fellow.
He is proud to publish his first work in Nation of the Moon and happy he could help in the editing process. If you haven't had your fill of his verbose droning, check out The Rancor's Brothel podcast, where nerdy topics are discussed and tabletop RPGs are played. |
Email: Care of: [email protected]
Story Teaser: The Madman sits atop a lonely hill, watching the world burn below. A voice in Hell, he calls out to no one. His only response is Silence. Dead Air. Racked with indecision and guilt, Charlie cannot stop the screaming, the Voice. Will he submit, or can he overcome the Fear to step of the ledge? Tune in to The Last Turn to find out. A horror story by Cody D. Grady, part of the Nation of the Moon Anthology. |